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Rehashing Christmas Cards

The time of  yuletide season is in our doorstep. The Christian world and other believers of Christmas will be in state of perpetual  tizzy.  Credit cards bloodletting will soon commence and the lists of gifts for loved and not so loved ones are like albatross hanging on every psyche of the gift givers.

In this days of austerity, some people  are either mortgaged induced homeless or redundant/downsized casualties, be smart on gift giving.  I am not sure if I can practice what I am ranting in this blog  about gift giving but I am not buying any Christmas decor this year.  I would rehash, rework, recycle, reposition or any verb or word that has re as a prefix on it, all my existing yuletide ornaments. I will probably paint my much loved and much spoiled cat Pinay, Grinch green as part of my mobile noel decoration.

I even contemplated deleting people from my fabled Xmas cards lists to save some trees and  drive the bottom line of United States Postal Service  further into red (stamps prices are constantly rising and yet they are losing billions). Other options is to send Ecard, but lets be honest about it, it is never the same.  We are suckers for greetings that are tactile, cards that we can ran our fingers on, smell ,keep and occasionally look and revisit its ultimate destination - a shoebox or bin tucked in topmost shelf in the basement.

My a little bit of semi hoarding tendencies got the better of me that my Xmas card box is already screaming due to copious number of cards on it.  Having ingested a considerable amount of Al Gore creed I decided to make something out of it, hence this posting,



The finished fan Xmas card ornament, ready to hang on your tree

Well, Santa's elves can use this if they get sweaty during the gift run.


  1. Hi unique!!! I like it all!!! Compliments to you and your are so creative!!!


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