Two weekends ago me and my husband got 2 bird feeders, a tubular kind and touted to be squirrel free. From his home office ( alternating as our formal dining table when he decides to stop working) he has the view of the bird feeders and he thinks its time for us to enjoy and explore the science of ornithology. We did not expect that we would also be reeled in the science of Sciuridae.
Those rodents have more fun eating the seeds than for whom it was originally intended for i.e the birds. This outraged my husband. Squirrels are very patient, intelligent, conniving and insulting animals ( according to my bitter half - relative to the squirrel issue).
My husband tried bells, moving the locations of the feeders about 18 times a day, slathering the cords and poles with motor oil and cooking oil, clearing the deck of my spider hanging plants (the rodents use these as their launching pads); and spiking strategic parts of our trellis with nails. Sad to say, if squirrels can give humans "the finger", they probably flash it to my husband many times during the day. Of course, squirrels always wins, just like Chip and Dale ( the cartoon pests).
My sister-in-law told us she at one point laced her feeders with razor blades, and I reminded my hubby that he can not do that since the creatures used it for their morning shave.
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