The last time I was in Paris, the European continent was sizzling due to the heatwave. Me and my travelling buddy took a side trip to Barcelona and Paris en route to attend a friend's wedding in London. We were supposed to represent our company's CEO in that wedding hence it's a freebie trip. My TB (travelling buddy) had relatives working in Spain and France so our accommodations were taken care of . As espoused by the queen of irony - Jessica Zafra of the impending world domination of Filipinos via diaspora - for wanna be globe trotters; start making lists of relatives to the nth degree of consanguinity living abroad or even people you are remotely related. You might need them if you ever caught the travel itch but can only spare for the airfare and pasalubong (presents/keepsake) or you will end up eating ramen all the time. Filipinos abroad still practice their genuine unequaled hospitality . When my ni...